Sunday, June 14, 2015

Whole 30 Day 11 & 12: Weekend Victory

The weekend means more groceries and more food prep. I tried my hand at making Whole 30 compliant mayo. It's an interesting process.

I made the mayo so that I could make Whole 30 compliant ranch dressing. Delish! 

We had guests with us this weekend so I made some bread and cheese laden sandwiches for them. I can honestly say I wasn't jealous.

I made a monstrous salad for my husband and myself. One for each of us. I couldn't finish mine. So. Good. 

For dinner, everyone got to have the same thing. It's like Sunday dinner, but on Saturday night. 

Sunday breakfast, so good the adults didn't eat lunch. 

Finished our weekend off with compliant meatloaf, fried potatoes, and sauteed zucchini and carrots. We're a third of the way through our experiment and have narrowed down some things we will already be continuing with after day 30.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Whole 30 Day 9: Yay ME!

I made it. I finished another day without eating anything outside of the Whole 30 plan. Seriously, this is cause for applause. And a celebratory dance. I feel like I have much better brain clarity today and more stamina. And that is saying something for a mother of four who got less sleep than usual and woke up sore from the previous day. We went almost nonstop today and I had a momentary thought about some coffee this afternoon but quickly brushed it away after a few moments of rest. It is amazing what these bodies are capable with some real food. I'm excited about it today. May not be as excited tomorrow after I grocery shop for another week on this eating plan. Trying to adjust and make things as streamlined as possible for cooking and budget purposes. We can't keep produce around long enough to make it through the week even though I feel like I spent an ungodly amount of money on it last week.

Breakfast was two pan-fried eggs with leftover sauteed mushrooms and salsa. I learned my lesson a few days ago with a gnawing headache all day that coffee is an absolute must. And, I'm liking the coconut cream in it more and more and missing my sugar less and less. For the most part. 

 Thank goodness for leftovers. After some exercise and time outside, it was nice to come home and just reheat some leftover chicken and zucchini and cut up some fresh veggies to go with it.

Last meal of the day, unsweetened cherry tea with sauteed chicken tenders, seasoned spaghetti squash, and steamed cauliflower and broccoli. I almost couldn't finish it. Almost. It was quite filling.
So. Good. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Whole 30 Day 8: I want to order pizza.

The day started out amazingly well considering I was up until 1am at the ER with my baby. Of course life doesn't stop because things go awry, so I was up at my usual 7:30am. After running to get baby girl's prescriptions, I came home and made breakfast. I was still feeling pretty on top of my game at this point. No desire for other food. I really enjoyed this breakfast. 

Lunch time rolled around after a morning of learning with the kids. I fed them all before I finally felt like eating anything and ended up not being able to eat all of my yummy balsamic vinegar doused salad. Still on top of my game for the day. 

I hit a wall, though, in the afternoon. Possibly from dealing with a sick baby and trying to be productive with my kids and their learning experiences. They, however, were not excited to have less screen time. As dinner time rolled around, I was having serious thoughts about calling in some pizza. Not because I wanted to eat it, but because I wanted to not cook anything. But, will prevailed and I sauteed some chicken and zucchini and smashed some potatoes. After I ate it, I was really glad I didn't settle for pizza. 

For the most part, I feel really good on this health plan. Overall, more energy, clearer skin, and better sleep. BUT, there are incredibly trying moments where I just want to ditch the whole thing and eat all of the easy food. That is a big issue for me. One I knew of before going into this and an issue I hope to break myself of by the end of this 30 days. I have gotten into a habit of relying on easy and quick food options which for the most part end up being fast food or highly processed food that overall doesn't leave me feeling good after eating it. I don't want it because it sounds good or tastes good, just for the easiness factor. It is taking planning and creativity to have filling yet easy to prepare meals ready for six people. And, as I type this, I could really use a good glass of wine. Here's to tomorrow. Maybe it will be better.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Whole 30 Day 3: Give me sugar or give me death...

Or some such nonsense. I have had a few moments of craving sugar today, mainly with my coffee, but overall not as bad as I thought it might be. Fruit, FTW. I have felt more satisfied between meals and am having perfectly wonderful sleepy sleepy times....during the day. So, not exactly a mom-of-four's best benefit, but I am so glad caffeine is ON the compliant list.

Tonight's dinner: balsamic chicken over smashed sweet potatoes with roasted carrots and fresh tomato wedges. A hit with the adults and our oldest. Not so much the younger kids. They are happy I'm allowing additional food items for them that aren't on our list. Now to enjoy movie night with a bowl of fruit! Crazy how much of our lives revolve around food.

Whole 30 Experiment

We started our very first Whole 30 on Wednesday, June 3rd. The very first morning started out quite rocky thanks to a late night up with a sick baby. BUT, we prevailed and made it through the first day and I am determined we will make it through the next 30 days.

In the interest of a real experiment, here is my base line. I'm interested to see what changes are evident in my body after 30 days without processed foods and sugars. I started out at 143 lbs.

So far we have done well. Focusing on the foods we CAN eat, not on the foods we can't. Here are a few of our meals from these first three days.

Day 1: 
Breakfast: eggs & potatoes, brussels sprouts, and watermelon 

Day 1: 
Dinner: hamburgers with fixings, zucchini & eggplant, and baked sweet potato "fries" 

Day 1 Project: Clarified Butter
Because who can go 30 days without butter? 

Day 2: 
Lunch: Chicken and broccoli 

Day 3:
Lunch: a cup of pistachios
Because they are what sounded good.  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Birth Story: Part 4: Rebel

Our fourth child was due on May 25th. We decided even before she was conceived that we wanted to attempt a natural, home birth. I'd never been interested in either option before. I credit my interest and education with watching the TV series "Call the Midwife" and the documentary "The Business of Being Born". I went on to read Ina May Gaskin's "Guide to Childbirth" and became even more confident in my choice. I sought out two midwives who run the only birth center in the town where we live. I immediately felt comfortable with them and continued to see them for my prenatal care.

On Tuesday, May 20th I woke up around 2AM with consistent contractions that were 7 minutes apart for an hour. I decided to go ahead and call the midwife on call as I didn't want to wait until things were imminent. My past birth experiences led me to believe that once things got going it would be a relatively quick process. I neglected to take into account the fact that as soon as I'd come to the hospital dilated 5cm, they had broken my water which sped the process along. The midwife and her assistant came to the house and we watched as my contractions stayed between 7 and 10 minutes apart for a few hours. Finally, we decided to sleep and awoke with the sun to check on my progress. I was 5cm dilated and 80% effaced. Definitely moving along. However, as the day progressed, we tried all sorts of tricks to get my contractions to be closer and stronger. They would increase for a little while then go back to their 7 to 10 minute intervals. Finally around 8pm that evening, my midwife offered me a last-ditch option of going ahead and breaking my water. I felt like we'd been pushing to make labor progress all day and didn't want to break my water only to have labor continue to be slow and then be put on a timetable with more possibility of being transferred to the hospital. So, we decided to call it a night. The midwife and her assistant went home and I got a gorgeous night of rest.

Wednesday and Thursday were much the same, but without the added audience of a midwife. My contractions stayed in that 7-10 minute time zone. Finally, Thursday afternoon at my midwife appointment, I was instructed to take calcium magnesium to try and stop my "unproductive" contractions until my due date so my uterus could get some rest. We then planned to start back up trying to kick start labor on that Sunday. Thursday night, I took my cal/mag and went to sleep. Throughout the night I woke up with much stronger contractions and in the morning was noticeably sore abdominally. I decided to just relax and not worry about when this thing was going to happen. We took advantage of my mom being in town and my husband and I headed out for a date. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at a neighborhood coffee house and then went to see the new X-Men movie. Again, I was experiencing contractions every 7-10 minutes. After the movie, we came home and I decided to take a nice long nap. My sister came over to hang out for the evening and brought some movies. We hung out downstairs and watched "What To Expect When You're Expecting", ironically. After that movie, we started "Austenland". Not far into that movie I realized I was having contractions about 5 minutes apart. I felt the urge to use the bathroom and had my first real bloody show. As the contractions continued to get closer, I decided to call my midwife. She could tell this was a different scenario as I had to stop to breathe during contractions while speaking with her over the phone. She said she would be on her way and I decided to lay down in hopes of making sure we didn't speed anything up until she arrived. This was about 10:30pm on Friday, May 23rd.

After the midwife arrived, she checked me and I was dilated 7cm and 80% effaced. I started finding comfort in standing while hugging my husband, Rod, and swaying back and forth during contractions. Much more comfortable than laying down for them. We continued in this pattern for quite a while. I was only mildly uncomfortable and in need of focus during the contractions. I continued to listen to my body and what sounded "good" during contractions. As things progressed, I spent some time in the shower with the warm heat on my lower back. As the intensity increased, I decided to get out of the shower and continued with my swaying/hugging technique. All of a sudden, I noticed my pain had moved from being "up" and was localized more in my hips. I told the midwife and she checked me. I honestly don't remember what the verdict was as my contractions were closer, longer, and much more intense. I navigated them the same way I'd done all night: by listening to my body and doing what "sounded" good. Eventually I ended up with the urge to go to the bathroom and while there the midwife heard me making some involuntary pushes and told me to transition to the bed where I'd planned to actually deliver our baby girl. I laid on my side and let my body do it's thing with the comfort of my husband and the midwife and their encouragement. I kept feeling the urge to push and as I did, my water finally broke on it's own and my pushing became productive. It took a little longer to push my sweet girl out as she was full term size. Finally, I heard the glorious words that I'd completed my task and had my girl placed on my chest. The whole pushing stage and when she entered the world was to the soundtrack of "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. Seemed absolutely appropriate. Such a calming experience in the midst of, yes, some intense pain. We marveled at her beauty and at what we, my husband and I, had accomplished together as we waited for her cord to quit pulsing so it could be cut and I could finish my delivery. Rebel Joy weighed in at 8lb. 4oz., 21 inches long, and was born at 1:52am on May 24th. We spent the first three days in rest with Rod and my Mom to take care of us. As we had chosen to birth at home, that meant some tests were not able to be performed at her initial birth. So, four days postpartum we headed to our pediatrician for a more complete check up. As we'd thought, she was perfect. Then the next day we took our bundle to the hospital labor & delivery ward to have the newborn screenings done.

All in all, quite a different experience from any we've had before. The birth itself was much more peaceful and relaxed and my recovery much quicker. It was the perfect choice for us at this time. I do not for one second believe a woman who births at home or without drugs is any more amazing than a woman who chooses to birth any other way. I've done more than one way and believe now more than ever in a woman choosing what works for her and having the support whether it be in the hospital or elsewhere to allow her what she desires.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Birth Story: Part 3: Tobyn

After miscarrying between Gideon and this pregnancy, I entered it with a lot of nervousness. I struggled with wondering if everything was ok and doing all of the "right" things up until he was delivered. The nice thing about being pregnant and having two other children is that they keep you too busy to eat or act unhealthily. The business of taking care of them also makes the time go by so much faster. Tobyn was due on October 17th. The last part of August, Rod and I caught the H1N1 flu. After nights of chills and coughing, I spent two days feeling like I was recovering and then on October 6th, 2009 I felt that labor was beginning. Much earlier than any of us expected. My parents got on the road from Houston as soon as they knew I was in labor. I finally went to the hospital around 10pm that evening. They couldn't get an IV started on me, having three nurses try and then waiting for the "special team", so that I could get my epidural. Since my Mom was unable to be in the delivery room, my older sister joined Rod at my side. Finally, they got the IV started and we waited the allotted time for the fluids to be in my body so that I could get my epidural. By the time the on-call anesthesiologist arrived and was putting my epidural in, I was in the middle of transition. Not fun curving forward in the midst of those kinds of contractions. When all was said and done, Tobyn Valor emerged into the world at 2:29am.